Have you ever been struggling with a broken-down vehicle? Maybe you are on your way to work, driving towards Edmonton to Calgary the morning traffic. Suddenly your car blows a tire, pinning you to the side of the road! There are barriers around this narrow street for all traffic – do you know what will happen if you’re stuck in this situation? You might find yourself on the side of the road with an accident, but don’t count done your business if you need help! Edmonton Towing Company can be reached at (587)-337-6789.
What is Edmonton Towing?
If you drive a car or an RV in Edmonton, there is a good chance that you have had a run in with a con artist. These people rob unsuspecting owners without even stealing the car from the back of their property. Think about it. Who would have a reason to try and steal a car if they had no intention of getting the car stealing device. We treat our vehicles as if they were our own. We cherish our vehicles and we see them as investments because we take such good care of these vehicles. Edmonton is one of the safest states in Canada. Let Edmonton Terrys Towing help you with the security of your car, truck, or SUV. Our technicians will tow your vehicle or sell it to a dealer if necessary. We also service hot spots throughout the state that are not served by garages.
We’ll towing anywhere in Edmonton
Our Jeep-mounted towing equipment means we can tow your car from any terrain, anywhere in Edmonton. As long as there’s still a chassis, we can tow it away. Not a problem – we’ve got you covered there.
Our Jeep-mounted products include:
Edmonton Terrys Towing car services are done from one to two phone calls away from your location. We have a variety of professional services to offer our customers including accident damages, hit-and-runs, high shelves, hanging garages, long cables and more. We have a verified spotless record for professionalism and satisfaction with the highest rates in the area.
Contact us for more information
A towing company deserves a proper introduction. Edmonton Towing is a professional in a field of complex and dynamic service in a complex industry with the responsibility of making sure it runs smoothly for everyone’s benefit. Sean Santo of Central Florida Towing covers all aspects of towing service.
Mr. Lal Brar & Mr. Ravi Kalsi Owner of Terrys Towing says, “Terrys Towing is dedicated to perfection. Even while keeping the distance to the next tow always available; he Edmonton’s #1 Tow Truck company. Since 1992, Edmonton Towing Company has been providing 24 hour roadside towing service, 365 days a year. We are proud members with an exceptional A+ rating. Our customer reviews are registered on their website. Edmonton Terrys Towing is not just a name, it is also our promise. When you are in danger of being delivered into the hands of the authorities by the police or other essential service providers, Edmonton Tow will come to your rescue. Rest assured that when something bad happens, someone who cares will be there to make it better; either at home or on the road.
Don’t be scared, we’re the only towing company that has a fleet of Towing cars and we come to your rescue. If you live in Edmonton, call us at (587)-337-6789! We’re the only towing company in Edmonton with 24/7 towing service that can pick up your vehicle when it’s in serious trouble, or when you just need something towed away.